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Shimmering Dewdrops

Shimmering Dewdrops


Regular price $10.95 CAD
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by Karen Rowell

Shimmering Dewdrops is a new piano solo for advanced pianists. This beautiful solo is a wash of colour and sound – ideal recreational repertoire.  Excellent recital or examination material.

“Have you ever been out of bed early, just to see how the sun rising will shine its rays through the spaces in the wood of old barns?  Have you ever looked at a spider web and marvelled at the patterns that a “bug” can make?  Have you ever watched dew drops shimmer in the light, on the verge of disappearing for the day, yet having one last flash of colour to share with the world?My father saw beauty in things that others pass by and I had the privilege of looking at these things with him.  Photography was a passion for him, in days where only patience and a dark room would yield results.  Patience to set up the shot, patience to wait for the perfect moment and patience to wait until the dark room revealed the truth of your work.  The memories of our times together are treasures for I can now see the beauty too and find inspiration for my compositions.”


Pages: 6

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